The Perfect Solution to Quench the Biggest Thirst!
Tupperware's sturdy and indispensible water containers and pitchers make the perfect solutions for serving up beverages to a group fo thirsty guests.
For home and away, both are practical, durable and come with their very own interesting features.
1) Giant Pitcher
Stock code: 53302
Details: 4.2L, 14.9cm (D) x 26.5cm (H)
Price : $38
2) Rectangular Water Container
Stock code: 53158
Details: 8.7L, 32.0cm(L)(includes handle and tap) x 18.5cm (W) x 23.0cm (H)
Price : $49.80
3) water dispenser
Stock code: 54323
Details: 14.5L, 35.5cm(L) x 32.0cm(W) x 30.2cm(H)
Price : $78